The Bible is like a Rubik’s cube.
Not the completed cube with all six colors lined up on their respective sides, but the scrambled puzzle with different colors scattered on each side.
Even despite past attempts, and failures, to unscramble the puzzle, we all still want to engage and unlock its mysteries.
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The most important sections of any book are the first and last chapters.
The beginning provides context for the middle. And the end provides “the rest of the story” that makes every story complete.
It’s impossible to understand a story by staying trapped in the middle, or circling around a few pages. But this is exactly how most people experience the Bible.
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When historians look back at parents of the 20th Century, they’ll see moms and dads obsessed with their financial security, chasing the American dream.
When historians research families of the new millennium, they’ll see parents obsessed with their kids’ success, chasing their children!
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