Transferring faith to Children: Ten Things to NOT do

As I shared in a recent post, statistics suggest 60-70% of kids raised in Christian homes are leaving the church in college years. Parents cannot strap kids into their pew seats for eighteen years and expect them to arrive at mature faith. Terms like “postmodernism” and “post-Christian” are being used to explain how today’s culture makes it harder for young people to stick with Christian faith. Growing up in a Christian home is no...

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America made a sweeping brand statement during last night’s Super Bowl half time show. In San Francisco, the LGBT capital of America, and with a viewing audience of over 100 million, we further cemented LGBT pride as an Amercian value and ushered in the rainbow flag to celebrate it. Last night’s display screamed loud and clear for the rest of the world to see that, as a nation, we no longer view God’s order as...

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When my wife Stephanie and I began dating twenty years ago, the relationship moved at warp speed, driven by good looks (hers) and deep conversation (a team effort). We spent long hours together, trusting each other with our most treasured thought-gems; our dreams and successes, insecurities and failures. The more we revealed our innermost secrets, the deeper the bond grew. Each deep-thought transfer carried a piece of heart and soul...

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