8 Reasons We Don’t Read the Bible

My wife and I have four children, with our oldest in college and youngest in elementary school.

Helping them develop their own walk with God is on our minds—a lot! So are questions about why so many young people are walking away from faith, and why parents often have a distant relationship with God.

I kept coming back to an answer that was so obvious… I almost missed it.

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If you’re like me, it’s the time of year we start thinking of things we want to do better in the coming New Year.

My eating has spiraled out of control, I’ll drop some pounds… in January. Better get back to the gym… after the Holidays. And I might as well throw Bible-reading into the New Year’s basket, too.


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Years ago my wife came across a book that stirred both of our hearts. Already Gone: Why your kids will quit church and what you can do to stop it (by Ken Ham, Britt Beemer & Todd Hillard). Estimates suggest two-thirds of kids from Christian homes will walk away from the faith during college. But here’s the book’s stunning premise. Young people are not choosing to walk away from the faith during college. Rather they...

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